What to expect in our Dry Eye Clinic
We offer a personalised management and treatment plan customised to your particular type and severity of dry eye by utilising cutting edge, state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment and software combined with our clinical expertise and experience.
The aim of our specialist dry eye clinic is to evaluate your tear film with regards to quality and quantity, lid margin health and tear producing glands, to understand why you have dry eye and how best to alleviate your symptoms using the latest and most appropriate treatments available.
The dry eye examination normally includes the following procedures:
- Dry eye pre-examination questionnaire – this helps us understand and track the improvement in your symptoms
- High definition, high resolution photographs of the anterior eye (front of the eye)
- Meibography – we visualise and assess the meibomian glands (glands which produce complex oils to stabilise your tears) to ensure their optimum performance
- Corneal topography – maps the shape and irregularities in the cornea
- Non-invasive Tear break up assessment – using our Medmont Meridia Dry eye analyser to measure the speed at which your tears evaporate
- Assessment of the lipid layer (oil layer) of your tear film using the Medmont Meridia.
- Use of fluorescein and lissamine green diagnostic dyes – these are used to assess the health of the front of the eye.
This causes no discomfort or change in vision. - NuLids professional eye lid cleaning – if you also suffer from blepharitis or meibomian gland dysfunction we may wish to clean your eyelids using the NuLids system, using a surgical microsponge to clear bacteria and debris from the eyelid and eyeslashes.
What is Blepharitis?
Blepharitis is a common condition that causes inflammation and irritation of the eyelids, leading to red rimmed and sore eyes, sometimes with crusting at the roots of the eyelashes.
It is extremely common, responds well to simple treatment and, for most people, it is not harmful. Symptoms include red and sore eyelids, tiny flake-like dandruff at the bottom of the eyelashes, dry or burning eyes and sometimes blurred vision.
What causes Blepharitis?
There is no direct cause of blepharitis but it is more common in people who have skin conditions such as eczema and acne, and in those with allergic diseases including asthma.
Eyelids contain tiny glands that make an oil which keeps the eyes moist as part of the tear film. With blepharitis, these glands become blocked, which causes irritated eyelids and dry, sore eyes. It is thought that in some people, blepharitis is partly caused by sensitivity to the bacteria (staphylococcus) which normally live on the skin.
Lid Cleansing
At Gregory & Seeley we use state-of-the-art techniques to clean your eye lashes and eyelid margin – ensuring your eyes are as clean and as healthy as possible.
Healthy eyelids can guard against the onset of conditions such as blepharitis and the presence of demodex – a type of mite that lives in the oil glands of human hair follicles.
By taking advantage of 21st century techniques and technology we can help you keep the bugs at bay.

Gregory & Seeley Dry Eye Care Plan
Our dry eye care plan has been designed to meet your specific eye care needs.
Our plan helps you to manage the cost of your eye care through a simple monthly payment.
You can benefit from all of the benefits listed below as soon as you register.
Monthly Fee | £0 | £10 |
Dry Eye Assessment | £80 | £0 |
Dry Eye Check | £40 | £0 |
OCT Scan | £50 | £30 |
Retinal Photography | £15 | £10 |
Emergency Appointment | £50 | £0 |
Discount on complete pair of spectacles. | 0% | 20% |
Discount on sunglasses. | 0% | 10% |
Discount on accessories and solutions | 0% | 10% |